
Money and Trade Considered With a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with Moneyby John Law1705Money and Trade Considered with a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with Money.


Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, Anno DOM. 1705.

There are several Proposals offer'd to Remedy the Difficulties the Nation is under from the great Scarcity of Money.

That a right Judgment may be made, which will be most Safe, Advantageous and Practicable; It seems Necessary, 1. That the Nature of Money be inquired into, and why Silver was us'd as Money preferable to other Goods. 2. That Trade be considered, and how far Money affects Trade. 2. That the Measures have been us'd for preserving and Increasing Money, and these now propos'd be examin'd.