Enterprise ApplicationDevelopment with Ext JSand Spring
Gerald Gierer更新时间:2021-07-21 17:57:52
Enterprise Application Development with Ext JS and Spring
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Chapter 1. Preparing Your Development Environment
Installing MySQL
Installing the Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
Installing the NetBeans IDE
Introducing Maven
Creating the Maven Web Application project
Starting the GlassFish 4 server
Running the Task Time Tracker project
Chapter 2. The Task Time Tracker Database
Connecting NetBeans with MySQL
The 3T database
Enterprise options for the 3T database
Chapter 3. Reverse Engineering the Domain Layer with JPA
Understanding the reasons for using JPA
Understanding JPA implementations
Reverse engineering with NetBeans
Introducing the persistence.xml file
Refactoring the Java classes
Introducing the Java Persistence Query Language
Refactoring Java equals() and hashCode()
Chapter 4. Data Access Made Easy
Defining the DAO interfaces
Defining the generic DAO implementation
Defining the DAO implementations
A better domain layer
Exercise – a simple change request
Chapter 5. Testing the DAO Layer with Spring and JUnit
Unit testing overview
Configuring the test environment
Introducing the Spring IoC container
Defining a test case superclass
Defining the CompanyDao test case
Running the JUnit test cases with Maven
JPA traps for the unwary
Chapter 6. Back to Business – The Service Layer
Service layer considerations
Building the service layer
The service layer interfaces
Implementing the service layer
Testing the service layer
Automating the service layer tests
Chapter 7. The Web Request Handling Layer
A brief history of Web MVC
Request handling for enterprise web applications
Building the request handling layer
Creating the request handlers
The Spring HandlerInterceptor interface
The Spring MVC configuration
Defining the TaskLogHandler class
More on Spring MVC
Chapter 8. Running 3T on GlassFish
Configuring the 3T web application
Configuring the Maven pom.xml file
Adding eclipselink.target-server to the persistence.xml file
Adding the logback.xml file to your resources directory
Configuring the GlassFish server
Running 3T
Managing GlassFish without NetBeans
Chapter 9. Getting Started with Ext JS 4
The importance of application design
Ext JS 4 MVC concepts
Ext JS 4 design conventions and concepts
Practical conventions
The Ext JS 4 development environment
Generating the 3T Ext JS 4 application skeleton
Creating components using Sencha Cmd
Chapter 10. Logging On and Maintaining Users
Layouts screens and workflows
Building our views
Models and persistence
Controlling the Logon and Viewport actions
Controlling our user views
Let's log on!
Let's maintain users
Chapter 11. Building the Task Log User Interface
Task log workflows and layouts
Building our task log views
Defining our models
Defining our stores
Controlling the TaskLog actions
Testing the task log interface
Chapter 12. 3T Administration Made Easy
Administration workflows and layouts
Building the 3T administration interface
Generating a JSON tree in the CompanyHandler class
Controlling the 3T administration
Testing the 3T administration interface
Dynamically loading tree nodes
Displaying multiple tree columns
Drag-and-drop made easy
Chapter 13. Moving Your Application to Production
Compiling with Sencha Cmd
Ext JS 4 theming
Compiling for production use
Integrating Sencha Cmd compiling with Maven
Adding the build version and timestamp
Building a slimmer WAR file
Deploying the WAR file to GlassFish
GlassFish performance tuning and optimization
Appendix A. Introducing Spring Data JPA
更新时间:2021-07-21 17:57:52