Deep Learning Quick Reference
Mike Bernico更新时间:2021-06-24 18:40:56
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The Building Blocks of Deep Learning
The deep neural network architectures
The neuron linear function
Neuron activation functions
The loss and cost functions in deep learning
The forward propagation process
The back propagation function
Stochastic and minibatch gradient descents
Optimization algorithms for deep learning
Using momentum with gradient descent
The RMSProp algorithm
The Adam optimizer
Deep learning frameworks
What is TensorFlow?
What is Keras?
Popular alternatives to TensorFlow
GPU requirements for TensorFlow and Keras
Installing Nvidia CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN
Installing Python
Installing TensorFlow and Keras
Building datasets for deep learning
Bias and variance errors in deep learning
The train val and test datasets
Managing bias and variance in deep neural networks
K-Fold cross-validation
Using Deep Learning to Solve Regression Problems
Regression analysis and deep neural networks
Benefits of using a neural network for regression
Drawbacks to consider when using a neural network for regression
Using deep neural networks for regression
How to plan a machine learning problem
Defining our example problem
Loading the dataset
Defining our cost function
Building an MLP in Keras
Input layer shape
Hidden layer shape
Output layer shape
Neural network architecture
Training the Keras model
Measuring the performance of our model
Building a deep neural network in Keras
Measuring the deep neural network performance
Tuning the model hyperparameters
Saving and loading a trained Keras model
Monitoring Network Training Using TensorBoard
A brief overview of TensorBoard
Setting up TensorBoard
Installing TensorBoard
How TensorBoard talks to Keras/TensorFlow
Running TensorBoard
Connecting Keras to TensorBoard
Introducing Keras callbacks
Creating a TensorBoard callback
Using TensorBoard
Visualizing training
Visualizing network graphs
Visualizing a broken network
Using Deep Learning to Solve Binary Classification Problems
Binary classification and deep neural networks
Benefits of deep neural networks
Drawbacks of deep neural networks
Case study – epileptic seizure recognition
Defining our dataset
Loading data
Model inputs and outputs
The cost function
Using metrics to assess the performance
Building a binary classifier in Keras
The input layer
The hidden layers
What happens if we use too many neurons?
What happens if we use too few neurons?
Choosing a hidden layer architecture
Coding the hidden layers for our example
The output layer
Putting it all together
Training our model
Using the checkpoint callback in Keras
Measuring ROC AUC in a custom callback
Measuring precision recall and f1-score
Using Keras to Solve Multiclass Classification Problems
Multiclass classification and deep neural networks
Case study - handwritten digit classification
Problem definition
Model inputs and outputs
Flattening inputs
Categorical outputs
Cost function
Building a multiclass classifier in Keras
Loading MNIST
Input layer
Hidden layers
Output layer
Softmax activation
Putting it all together
Using scikit-learn metrics with multiclass models
Controlling variance with dropout
Controlling variance with regularization
Hyperparameter Optimization
Should network architecture be considered a hyperparameter?
Finding a giant and then standing on his shoulders
Adding until you overfit then regularizing
Practical advice
Which hyperparameters should we optimize?
Hyperparameter optimization strategies
Common strategies
Using random search with scikit-learn
Training a CNN from Scratch
Introducing convolutions
How do convolutional layers work?
Convolutions in three dimensions
A layer of convolutions
Benefits of convolutional layers
Parameter sharing
Local connectivity
Pooling layers
Batch normalization
Training a convolutional neural network in Keras
Cost function and metrics
Convolutional layers
Fully connected layers
Multi-GPU models in Keras
Using data augmentation
The Keras ImageDataGenerator
Training with a generator
Transfer Learning with Pretrained CNNs
Overview of transfer learning
When transfer learning should be used
Limited data
Common problem domains
The impact of source/target volume and similarity
More data is always beneficial
Source/target domain similarity
Transfer learning in Keras
Target domain overview
Source domain overview
Source network architecture
Transfer network architecture
Data preparation
Data input
Training (feature extraction)
Training (fine-tuning)
Training an RNN from scratch
Introducing recurrent neural networks
What makes a neuron recurrent?
Long Short Term Memory Networks
Backpropagation through time
A refresher on time series problems
Stock and flow
ARIMA and ARIMAX forecasting
Using an LSTM for time series prediction
Data preparation
Loading the dataset
Slicing train and test by date
Differencing a time series
Scaling a time series
Creating a lagged training set
Input shape
Data preparation glue
Network output
Network architecture
Stateful versus stateless LSTMs
Measuring performance
Training LSTMs with Word Embeddings from Scratch
An introduction to natural language processing
Semantic analysis
Document classification
Vectorizing text
NLP terminology
Bag of Word models
Stemming lemmatization and stopwords
Count and TF-IDF vectorization
Word embedding
A quick example
Learning word embeddings with prediction
Learning word embeddings with counting
Getting from words to documents
Keras embedding layer
1D CNNs for natural language processing
Case studies for document classifications
Sentiment analysis with Keras embedding layers and LSTMs
Preparing the data
Input and embedding layer architecture
LSTM layer
Output layer
Putting it all together
Training the network
Document classification with and without GloVe
Preparing the data
Loading pretrained word vectors
Input and embedding layer architecture
Without GloVe vectors
With GloVe vectors
Convolution layers
Output layer
Putting it all together
Training Seq2Seq Models
Sequence-to-sequence models
Sequence-to-sequence model applications
Sequence-to-sequence model architecture
Encoders and decoders
Characters versus words
Teacher forcing
Translation metrics
Machine translation
Understanding the data
Loading data
One hot encoding
Training network architecture
Network architecture (for inference)
Putting it all together
Loading data
Creating reverse indices
Loading models
Translating a sequence
Decoding a sequence
Example translations
Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning overview
Markov Decision Processes
Q Learning
Infinite state space
Deep Q networks
Online learning
Memory and experience replay
Exploitation versus exploration
The Keras reinforcement learning framework
Installing Keras-RL
Installing OpenAI gym
Using OpenAI gym
Building a reinforcement learning agent in Keras
CartPole neural network architecture
Lunar Lander
Lunar Lander network architecture
Memory and policy
Generative Adversarial Networks
An overview of the GAN
Deep Convolutional GAN architecture
Adversarial training architecture
Generator architecture
Discriminator architecture
Stacked training
Step 1 – train the discriminator
Step 2 – train the stack
How GANs can fail
Mode collapse
Safe choices for GAN
Generating MNIST images using a Keras GAN
Loading the dataset
Building the generator
Building the discriminator
Building the stacked model
The training loop
Model evaluation
Generating CIFAR-10 images using a Keras GAN
Loading CIFAR-10
Building the generator
Building the discriminator
The training loop
Model evaluation
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更新时间:2021-06-24 18:40:56