MongoDB 4 Quick Start Guide
Doug Bierer更新时间:2021-08-13 15:25:33
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MongoDB 4 Quick Start Guide
Packt Upsell
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Introducing MongoDB
Overview of MongoDB
Handling big data
Modeling objects without SQL
Installing MongoDB
Installing MongoDB on Windows
Download and install
MongoDB Compass
MongoDB Windows file locations
Installing MongoDB on Linux
Installing on Debian or Ubuntu Linux
Package installation
Configure and run MongoDB on Ubuntu/Debian
Installing on Red Hat Fedora or CentOS Linux
Package installation
Configure and run MongoDB on RHEL/Fedora/CentOS
Installing from source
Understanding MongoDB Data Structures
What is NoSQL?
Documents collections and database
Data-modeling considerations
Embedded documents
Document design
Creating a MongoDB database and collection
Using the MongoDB Shell
Why use the mongo shell?
Options when invoking the shell
.mongorc.js File
Informational commands
Performing simple queries
Defining a query filter
Defining a projection
Modifying the cursor
Database and collection operations
Working with databases
Working with collections
Creating updating or deleting documents
Creating one or more documents
Updating one or more documents
Deleting one or more documents
Creating and running shell scripts
Running a direct command
Running a shell script
Developing with Program Language Drivers
Overview of the MongoDB PHP driver
MongoDB PHP architecture
MongoDB PHP extension classes
MongoDB\Driver classes
MongoDB\BSON classes
MongoDB\Driver\ {Exception Monitoring} classes
Installing the MongoDB PHP extension
ext/mongodb installation using PECL
ext/mongodb installation on Windows
Installing the PHP library for MongoDB (PHPLIB)
Performing CRUD operations using PHPLIB
Core PHPLIB class instances needed for CRUD operations
Creating documents
Reading documents
Searching by ObjectId
Updating documents
Deleting documents
Other libraries and framework integration
Building Complex Queries Using Aggregation
An overview of aggregation
What is aggregation?
Why use aggregation?
Using single-purpose aggregation
Using the aggregation pipeline
Aggregation pipeline stages
Aggregation pipeline expression operators
Aggregation pipeline accumulators
$group stage accumulators
$project and $addFields stage accumulators
Aggregation pipeline expression operator examples
Using map-reduce
Using the MongoDB Compass aggregation pipeline builder
Maintaining MongoDB Performance
Single field indexes
Compound indexes
Multi-key indexes
Simple backup and restore
Understanding MongoDB replication
Deploying a replica set
Resetting the IP address
Configuring the replica set member
Initializing the replica set
Adding and removing members
Removing a member from a replica set
Adding a member to a replica set
Understanding sharding
Choosing a shard key
Sharding strategies
Ranged sharding
Hashed sharding
Deploying a sharded cluster
Securing MongoDB
MongoDB security overview
Transport Layer Security
Changes in MongoDB v4.0
x.509 certificates
Configuring mongod to use TLS
Mongo shell authentication using SCRAM
Internal communication using SCRAM
x.509 authentication
Mongo shell authentication using x.509
Internal authentication using x.509
Access control
Initializing security
Database privilege actions
CRUD privilege actions
Database management privilege actions
Infrastructure privilege actions
Role-based access control
Built-in roles
Custom roles
Database user administration
Getting from a Web Form to MongoDB
Building the application
Defining the initial view
Defining the Add Purchase view
Defining the JSON response script
Defining the Connection class
Defining the service classes
Configuring transaction support
Adding security
Using Docker
Using MongoDB with Docker
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更新时间:2021-08-13 15:25:33